Su di me

Biography of Alessandro Patanè CBA
"Balloon Art is not a job but a way of life." With this motto Alessandro began to work with balloons in 1997, the following years are marked by several awards and collaborations in important teams with numerous Italian artists. 2016 is a lucky year for him when at WBC in New Orleans he earns the title of Master Designer of the year. At the same event with Italian Team he gains the second place in the Large Sculpture competition.
In his career he has won several awards: in 1999 Alessandro wins the first prize in the category New Entry Large Sculpture, in 2001 a lot of satisfaction with the Guinness World Record with 58,942 balloons for a life-sized dinosaur, the "DINOBIGO "; at IBAC in Chicago, the second place in the Balloon Figure competition. In 2002 Alessandro is an official member of the Italian team led by Alberto Falcone where they gained the first place at IBAC in the Large Sculpture competition. In 2003 he wins, with the Italian team, the first prize with the Large Sculpture "THE CAROUSEL". Every year is marked by a success, in 2004 in Los Angeles, third place for the Balloon Figure. In Florence at BACI 2006 third place for the Large Sculpture and first for the Balloon Figure competition. The following year is marked by the third place in the Large Sculpture with "You've Got Mail BEBE '" and by an international experience with the Italian team from Balloon Express at "Balloon Festival" in Moscow, Russia, leading to the first place. In 2009 at BACI another success, first place Italian Championship for the Large Sculpture "Pinocchio" and in 2010 second place in the Balloon Figure competition. The year 2010 sees the prestigious collaboration with Balloon Lab Budapest with Alberto Falcone to create the amazing “Fifi and the Flowertots” sculpture. At WBC2010, he gains the Gold achievement with the work "In Vino Veritas". BACI 2012 is marked by the third place with the "Leonart" opera, La Gioconda made of balloons. BACI 2014 sees the 2nd place with the work "Red Eyed". The same year he creates the Baymax character in collaboration with Disney for the "Lucca Comics" events in occasion of the new film release. In Florence, at BACI 2015 Alessandro and his team won the first place for the Medium Sculpture with the work "Gnam Gnam Style". The successes of 2016, have already been mentioned: 2nd Place fort Large Sculpture in the World Championship and Master Designer Of The Year. The Images magazine has dedicated a 4-page article to him, talking about his career as a Balloon Artist. In September of 2017, he taught in Brazil, at the Qualatex Event in Sao Paulo, with great appreciation to his classes.
From 1999 to present, he has always been called to teach for the Convention BACI in Italy, and with great pride and honour, promotes Qualatex in every class and 2019, Alessandro was the revelation instructor of the year at the GLOBOCON international event, which was held in Los Angeles.